Overview: The Mattagami Region Source Protection Authority, in accordance with the provisions of Ontario Regulation 288/07 is currently seeking two Public Sector members to serve on the Mattagami Region Source Protection Committee.
Summary of Functions of the Source Protection Committee: Originally established in 2007, the Committee has successfully developed and launched the Source Protection Plan. The Plan provides policies to mitigate potential threats to our municipal source of drinking water. The Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks approved the updated Source Protection Plan on December 5, 2019, at which stage the function of the Committee transitioned primarily to evaluating the implementation of the Source Protection Plan policies and conducting periodic updates to ensure that the Plan is still relevant.
Obligations of a Source Protection Committee Member
Members of the Source Protection Committee should be able to:
- Make a five-year commitment to participate;
- Attend Committee meetings (two-five per year);
- Respect confidential information and abide by the process in place to safeguard confidential information;
- Comply with the Committee’s code of conduct;
- Act as a liaison by bringing common concerns from knowledge and experience of the respective sector to the Committee;
- Provide input and make decisions at the Committee table;
- Understand Source Protection science concepts and technical reports. Review reports/documents as required.
Composition of the Source Protection Committee
The Source Protection Committee’s size and composition are determined to some extent by legislation. The Mattagami Region Source Protection Authority has approved the Committee composition to represent the multi-sectoral interests of the planning region. The approved composition of the Committee is listed below:
Municipal Sector Economic Sector Other Interests Sector
Municipal (2) Power Generation (1) Public-at-Large (2)
Forestry (1)
Request for Applications
The Source Protection Authority is seeking applications for the Other Interests/Public Sector seats on the Committee.
Applicant Information
A member must:
- Reside, own property, rent property, be employed in, operate a business in, or be employed by a municipality that is located within the Mattagami Region Source Protection Area;
- Not be a current Source Protection Authority Board or staff member;
- Have demonstrated the ability to understand Source Protection science, concepts and technical reports;
- Have relevant knowledge (e.g. local, municipal, watershed, scientific or technical);
- Exhibit familiarity with the terms and concepts associated with environmental management (e.g., watersheds, hydrologic cycle, intake protection zones);
- Know relevant issues (environmental history, geological concepts, local geography, municipal procedures, etc.);
- Have proven ability to act as a liaison for the sector being represented – SPC members should be familiar with the issues and considerations of the interests they represent;
- Have problem-solving, analytical, communication and organizational skills; conciliatory decision-making skills;
- Be open to working together positively with representatives from other sectors;
- Have knowledge of local watershed community and issues.
How to Apply for Appointment to the Committee: Applications are currently being accepted for a representative for the Other Interests/Public seats. If you are interested in being considered for appointment to the Mattagami Region Source Protection Committee, please submit an “Application” form with a brief summary of your interests and background by February 11, 2025.
Please submit applications to:
Mattagami Region Source Protection Authority
Attention: Joe Torlone, Chair
100 Lakeshore Road, Timmins, ON P4N 8R5
Email: info@mattagamiregion.ca
For further information or clarification contact:
Crystal Percival, Drinking Water Source Protection Lead/Planner
100 Lakeshore Road, Timmins, ON P4N 8R5
Phone: 360-2660 ext. 7417
Email: crystal.percival@mattagamiregion.ca
Application to be a Member of the Mattagami Region Source Protection Committee