Water Protection Classroom Mural Contest
Water is one of the most fascinating substances on Earth. Without it, our planet as we know it would not exist. Water is vital for all known forms of life, from our lakes, streams, rivers, and wetlands, to everything in between. It has many unique chemical properties. It exists as a liquid, as a solid (ice), and as a gas. It supports our agriculture, nourishes the plants that help regulate our climate, affects our atmosphere, alters the very geography of the planet itself, and allows us to survive.
The Mattagami Region Conservation Authority (MRCA) and the Mattagami Region Source Protection Committee (MRSPC) encourage students to explore the many ways we interact with water and the way water shapes our world. We hope that the process of interpreting these explorations through art will lead students to a greater understanding of their role as future stewards of this precious resource.
As students research their topic for their collaborative mural, they will hopefully discover the importance of clean water and what steps they can take to protect it. With classroom collaboration, we encourage them to think about how best to turn their ideas into art. The art can be literal, abstract, or anything in between.
The journey starts now.
About the Contest
The MRCA in partnership with the MRSPC are hosting a Water Protection Classroom Mural Contest. The purpose of the contest is to create a unique class mural on any surface to celebrate how water shapes our lives and the world we live in. Themes can include: My Water Protection, Timmins Water Protection, Ontario Water Protection, Canadian Water Protection, etc.
Who Can Enter
The contest is open to all students in Grades 1-6 from schools in the City of Timmins.
Classroom Mural submissions will be voted on by the Mattagami Region Source Protection Committee members. One class pizza party with Drippy the Raindrop will be awarded per grade division:
Grades 1-2
Grades 3-4
Grades 4-5
The winning murals will be featured on the Drinking Water Source Protection Website and on the Mattagami Region Conservation Authority social media sites.
Create a unique water protection-themed mural on any surface. Themes can include: My Water Protection, Timmins Water Protection, Ontario Water Protection, Canadian Water Protection, etc.
Each mural entry must include the following information:
- Title/theme of mural
- Teacher’s Name
- Grade
- School Name
- Take a group photo of everyone with the mural*
- Take a photo of the mural all alone.*
*Submit these two images (300dpi JPEG format) as Mural Contest entries. Email images to:spc@timmins.ca
All entries must be received by May 22, 2024.
Prizes will be presented by the Drinking Water Source Protection Lead, Mattagami Region Source Protection Committee members, and Drippy the Rain Drop.
Questions regarding the contest may be directed to:
Crystal Percival, Drinking Water Source Protection Lead/Planner
Mattagami Region Conservation Authority
100 Lakeshore Road
Timmins, ON P4N 8R5
Phone: 705-360-2660 ext. 7417
Email: crystal.percival@mattagamiregion.ca
By submitting your classroom mural you give the MRCA and the MRSPC permission to use it in the course of their work.
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Water Awareness Social Media Contest

Members from the Mattagami Region Source Protection Committee delivered a Source to Tap presentation to Mr. Kazienko’s Grade 11 Environmental Science Class at Timmins High And Vocational School. As part of the presentation, the students were asked to create social media messages around the presentation topics. The Mattagami Region Source Protection Committee would like to congratulate Juiette N., Isabelle C., and Jimmy T. on their winning messages promoting water protection, conservation and awareness. Please use these messages to protect and conserve our community’s water sources now and in the future.
If you are interested in booking a Source to Tap presentation for your class, please contact the Mattagami Region Conservation Authority at info@mattagamiregion.ca or call 705-360-2660.